The heart is that vital living organ beating away in our chest, however how often do we really look after our own heart health. As we age this becomes even more important and keeping our heart strong and healthy, here are some tips for happy healthy heart.

Good Food - Providing the body with a balanced diet is so important but especially for heart health, reduce the quantity of red meat that you are eating per week. Introduce more fish to your diet and providing your body with colour foods in your fruit and vegetables.
Exercise - Getting the heart pumping is important, taking 30 minutes of exercises where the heart is working every day is good for the body. ( I am not going to dictate what kind of exercise, do something you love that way you will do it)
Good Food - Providing the body with a balanced diet is so important but especially for heart health, reduce the quantity of red meat that you are eating per week. Introduce more fish to your diet and providing your body with colour foods in your fruit and vegetables.
Reduce Stress - Stress not only ages the body but can increase you risk of stroke or heart attack, finding ways to reduce stress levels are important. Also being in tune to when we are stressed and what triggers stress to increase in the body is very important.
Meditation Practice - Introducing a meditation practice in your daily routine can improve your day. You can find space for problem solving, for being creative or for just being still. You can start with 5 minutes daily and then work up. It may be a practice of gratitude for the 5 minutes, some people find it difficult to be still so maybe just naming all the things in life that you are grateful for can slow the body and mind down.
Practice Self-care / love - Finding time for yourself can be a difficult practice as we are all too often told that this is selfish, however we cannot pour from an empty cup so putting ourselves first and taking time for our own self-care / love is so important. Follow our Instagram page for tips every Sunday on Self-Care.